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Redemption of the Secured Creditor

Secured Party Creditor (SPC) is a term that has become more and more popular among the people who use YouTube and those of the sovereignty and common law student arenas. Many persons are trying to obtain higher levels of freedom, reserving their unalienable rights, and have discovered this Secured Party Creditor term. But the vast majority of people can not properly articulate exactly what it is because there are too many scammers out there. Simply put, it is separating your living man/woman self, from the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS TRADENAME/BIRTH CERTIFICATE LEGAL NAME, and protecting the assets and collateral of that name by backdating a security agreement to your 18th birthday.


This creates you as a “secured party” or lien-holder over that name – therefore protecting it’s assets from lien, levy, seizure, garnishment, or forfeiture. Because of the fraud of the legal name trickery that you were unaware of until recently, and fraud does void all contracts if the party being defrauded takes affirmative action to call out the fraud, now you have in effect canceled out the disastrous effects of those contracts in your life that were done without your consent or your best interests at heart. Now that’s a mouthful, but as you keep reading on  and subscribe to  our YouTube channel  by clicking here


Our YouTube has free downloadable videos, I’m sure you will get to a point of overstanding better. We all see higher levels of fraud, and corruption, taking place every day, bringing the growing number of people who are learning about secured party creditor filings(processes).

It is important to understand that becoming a secured party creditor doesn’t mean that you just file a UCC-1 and you’re done, which is sort of a common conception. You must be very mature in your studies as you will be tested again and again in your journey towards sovereignty. The same agencies that are feeling threatened are also very much aware that most people doing so-called “secured party creditor filings” understand very little about the correct process of establishing a secured party status and maintaining that status and living as both a private citizen and the trustee of a domestic public trust vessel that contracts and operates in the public and in commerce.


Secured Party Creditor Over the Fictitious Strawman:

We must first understand that we all function through our tradename, or strawman. There has been an influx of people lying to those who are in desperation, telling them to use a Bill of Exchange or consumer credit and they will be fine.  Only to discover that they have been scammed and or told to go to court and sue.  


Those same con men and women have used you as guinea pigs while they take the FRNs that you paid to them and pay their bills.   I was compelled to do something to try to reach those still taking blue bills. I started fake creditor files. I exposed a few of the scammers, yet they continue to grow as parasites, feeding off of your ignorance.  I decided to write about what I have learned and how I have discharged thousands of dollars in debt and guided many others to do the same.  How was it done?  Through the process known as Secured Creditor, or as some as secured party creditor.

The tradename is your business, and you, as the live being, function in commerce through your tradename. However, you are not the same as the tradename.


This is one of the main purposes of establishing ourselves as a secured party; we must create that separation between the live being and the tradename/strawman. Another purpose of the secured party creditor filing is to aid in the protection of all assets held in the estate, which is held by the tradename. The estate encompasses everything, from property to bank accounts, etc.

Now that we’ve established what the tradename is, we must establish what a secured party is and how one would use a UCC-1 filing. A secured party is one who holds an interest in a company’s assets. They would record this interest in the public records by filing a UCC-1 financing statement. So, if the tradename is a business, and we, as live beings hold an interest in the estate of the tradename, we must file a UCC-1 financing statement to give notice to the public that we have “a-liened” all property pertaining to the tradename. It is important to remember, that the UCC-1 itself is NOT the lien. It is the only notice of the lien. The lien itself is established by the security agreement between the secured party and the debtor/tradename.


The security agreement is a private agreement that specifies that the debtor must perform as the transmitting utility for the secured party in commerce, in exchange for the secured party providing assets and collateral to the debtor. This would be called equal consideration. This agreement would also specify the sum of, typically, 100 billion dollars as the security interest from the debtor to the secured party. The security interest amount doesn’t have to be 100 billion dollars, but it should be a high enough number to ensure that the secured party will always have the paramount claim of interest over all assets and property of the debtor/tradename.  To help you understand more look up the secured party definition and other related terms in the blacks law dictionary,, or other related good research sites.


The filing of the UCC-1 is also important because it gives notice to all agencies, which means that no agency can compel the debtor to turn over any assets before first meeting its 100 billion dollar obligation to the secured party. This is how all assets of the tradename can be protected by the proper use of the secured party creditor process. However, it is important to remember that the government and its agencies can change their policies constantly, which can potentially change the way we achieve our remedies. Therefore, we must not be attached to the secured party creditor filing as the only way to achieve freedom forever. This process may, and should evolve as the policies governing commercial business evolve. 


Even though the agencies can change their policies at any time, whereby they change our manner of achieving our remedy; they can never actually take away our remedy. There must always be a form to achieve our remedy. We just have to continue to do our due diligence and learn to roll with the punches. 


Protecting assets is not the only thing that is accomplished through the secured party creditor process. We can also do what is referred to as securing our assets that are being held by financial institutions and government agencies, such as loans, bonds, or tickets. Whenever we sign for something, such as when we sign a promissory note for a mortgage, what happens is that the banking institution holds on to that asset, which belongs to us, and gives us the liability side of the transaction, which is the obligation to pay. With the secured party creditor filing, we are placing ourselves in a position where we can either redeem our asset to close out that account. 


Or we can discharge the debt to close out the account. With HJR 192 and public law 7310, we have our remedy to either redeem our assets or discharge our debt. But we must first have the correct status established in commerce since only secured parties can operate on the credit side of any transaction. Debtors can only operate on the liability side and must “pay” their obligations. 

So, by what authority does one have to establish oneself as a secured party creditor of a tradename/strawman corporation? In commerce, it is the one who provides the funding of a corporation that acquires a lien right against all assets of that corporation.


In other words, when a baby has a birth certificate issued against their flesh and blood body, the corporation is created. But it is the child that in their lifetime will provide all of their energy/funding for that corporation, therefore that child can eventually establish themselves as the secured party for the debtor/tradename corporation and thereby secure all assets and collateral pertaining to the tradename. 


When the certificate of live birth is issued, it is done so without any face value, similar to a blank check. You know it has value, you just don’t identify the value until it’s time to close out an account. We do this, by sending an indemnity bond (to attach to HJR192 along with our acceptance of the government’s order in 1933 to remove all money of substance and provide our credit to that order) to the treasury to be held in trust for the value of 100 billion dollars. This bond is to be used to discharge our public debts. All of this is done in accordance with the uniform commercial code provisions.


It is important to have a fundamentally accurate process, for ease of enforcement. This process includes the security agreement, UCC-1 filing, a chargeback order, and even a common law copyright (if you choose to get one). It is important to remember that this is a simple outline of some of the components of the secured party creditor filing. You must do your research to ensure your process is complete before moving forward with discharging debts and redeeming your assets. 

Secured Party Creditor Status Also Makes You an American National or State National (republic jurisdiction).


Make a payment of $2000 To Zelle now by sending to payment to or send to$tazadaqshah  if you use PayPal you must pay $2150. Paypal. me/tazadaq

Or mail a Money Order in the amount of $2000 to TAZADOCTRINE BOOK P.O. 436 REX, GEORGIA 30273

Become a Secured Creditor Now, what are you waiting for? 


U.S. Secured Creditor


Canada Secured Creditor:


Europe Secured Creditor:




The Solution: Reversal of the same UCC system (nexus) “backward” from the effect (enslaved flesh-and-blood) to the cause! (the contract). Simply reverse the positions of the cause with that of the effect, through the nexus, and the result is the remedy!  This is only achieved by becoming a Secured Party Creditor.  There isn’t any other way.


 Convert the enslaved flesh and blood (effect) into the new CAUSE (signature contract), and at the same time convert the birth certificate contract into the new EFFECT (enslaved property). Now the I man, I AM the “contract” (through their signature), and the previous birth certificate “contract” is the “enslaved property” (secured property title) of I man.  Now I  an aggrieved man  has complete control over his life and full 100% gain from 100% production of his “own” energy! And the nexus is still the UCC! What is this specific reversed cause-and-effect solution called? In this case: The  Secured Party Process! It’s the redemption process through the blood of Yahusha.


A Secured Party, having regained control of their life and their sovereignty, is no longer subject to the same controls as existed before their UCC secured party process when they were unknowingly an accommodation party to and guarantor for, the fictional corporate entity debtor “strawman,” that functioned as their name in all upper-case caps, and existed from the time of their birth certificate – as well as other adhesion contracts.

 One such reason that the system   no longer has so much external control existing over them after a  Secured Party Creditor process, is because I man is no longer obligated to the fictitious “bankruptcy” and “debt.”

According to research if managed correctly, the Secured Party Sovereign’s medium of exchange is that of silver and gold coins under Original Law (common law) and Original jurisdiction. The Secured Party is completely “exempt” from any government bankruptcy, debt, tax, interest, or any other type “of liability” (especially liabilities that can only be paid in “Federal Reserve Notes”). Sovereign Live flesh-and-blood people cannot be forced or compelled to even “use” valueless unbacked Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs).

 The Sovereign aggrieved man, the Secured Party cannot be forced to “pay” in FRNs for any debt or liability incurred (or supposedly incurred). Thus, they are exempt from ALL payment demands made in or subject to FRNs.


 At the same time, with there being no lawful money of exchange (silver or gold coin) readily available - due to the manipulated bankruptcy and the government has removed all gold [and silver] from the supply of the American people [see HJR-192] - and this being the reason that the government uses unbacked valueless commercial paper (FRNs) in the discharge of all its debts and obligations in commerce, therefore the Secured Party can not even be made obligated to pay any debts in “silver or gold,” as well.


There is none readily available! It is therefore only under “NECESSITY” that a Secured Party even uses FRNs as a medium of exchange throughout their daily activities. Even then, and because it is only by virtue of “NECESSITY” that they use FRNs daily, they are still “exempt” from any type of “bankrupt government” FRN debts or liabilities. Besides, the STATE – being a bankrupt “debtor” – cannot compel anything upon a Secured Party “Creditor.” It was YOUR “energy” that was credited to them! Thus, they borrowed from YOU! They are, always have been, always WILL BE the actual “DEBTOR” to YOU! Always owing YOU!

 When the Secured Party Creditor (SPC) is confronted with any type of debt, obligation, liability, service, contract, etc., be it from a bank, government agency, public official, credit bureau, utility company, or any other type agency or entity that functions exclusively with use of FRNs – and/with these very commercial entities and transactions being based in bankruptcy and commercial “debt” the SPC, through “exemption,” is thus able to “discharge” the above type debt.


 Through an “Acceptance for Value,” the SPC “Accepts the debt for Value!” (the “value” being “DEBT!”) - with the SPC being exempt from such “debt.” The SPC simply then has only one remaining option, and that is to therefore “discharge” the debt!

The purpose of doing this “Chargeback” to the Secretary of the Treasury is to create and “charge up” a whole new UCC Treasury. Contract Trust Account for one to discharge debts and obligations and thus handle the commercial affairs of your legal fiction, Debtor


This is accomplished all from a brand-new account that you are now creating, and all without interference from any third or outside parties.   In the beginning, when you were a newly born infant, your parents – through their signature at that time created and “charged up” an all-new UCC Treasury Contract Trust Account for you! You are now doing this same thing – only you are creating and opening up a whole new account, with a number that is based upon your registered mail “tracking number,” - and unlike your parents, you are doing exactly what they DID but only YOU understand nut; they did not!


KT, I want to change my status and become a secured party now



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HJR 192
Debtor afflicted by commerce
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